Tom the teacher!


Quite recently , I found myself sitting in a multiplex watching Mission Impossible: Rogue nation. I was barely getting used to the seating and the ambiance when bam – Tom Cruise comes running and jumping and hanging on to an aeroplane and doing stunts that even the fittest of actors in their 20’s wouldn’t risk doing. All that at the ripe age of 53!
The scene really fascinated me on many accounts. Let’s start with something very simple- the timing of the scene . It comes right at the start giving you a bang for your buck even before you’ve settled in. Somebody who arrives late and hasn’t seen the trailers wouldn’t even know that the scene exists. Isn’t that how it is with us as well when we sometimes arrive later than we should to grab an opportunity, or at times; don’t arrive at all!
And how about the commitment of Cruise to his job. In this CGI driven industry where almost everything that you can think of and cannot think of can be created using CGI- his insistence to do his stunts himself; you cannot help but cheer for this man who is giving more than his 100% to the job he is doing. And isn’t he loving it ?


Shouldn’t we live our lives to the fullest? Sure – jumping from Burj Khalifa or hanging on to an accelerating flight may not be the best and safest of ideas; but in our own small ways – shouldn’t we give it our all.
   Isn’t the thrill of anticipation sometimes the most exhilarating thing that there is – even more than the thing itself. We keep creating scenario after scenario about how things might turn out and cannot help but check or compare between our ideas and that of the actual outcome.


Comparing , evaluating, living to the fullest, finding and making the most of an opportunity- isn’t that what a good life is all about!

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